Patience and Perseverance Lead to Today Show Coverage

Patience and Perseverance Lead to Today Show Coverage

Case Study LBC Pitches, Helps Produce Human-Interest Story for Middle Township School District Clients: EducationServices: Media Relations Patience and Perseverance Lead to Today Show Coverage THE SITUATION Middle Township School District (MTSD) teachers and staff...
Community Engagement Helps Flip Votes in Bond Referendum

Community Engagement Helps Flip Votes in Bond Referendum

Case Study After a Failed Referendum, New Tactics Turn Things Around for Shrewsbury Clients: EducationServices: School Communications, Bond Referenda Community Engagement Helps Flip Votes in Bond Referendum THE SITUATION After Shrewsbury voters rejected a school...
Reimagined E-newsletter Sends Engagement Rate Soaring

Reimagined E-newsletter Sends Engagement Rate Soaring

Case Study Reimagined E-newsletter Sends Engagement Rate Soaring Clients: EducationServices: School Communications, Digital Communications Essential Content and Attractive Design for the Win! THE SITUATION LBC began working with River Vale Public Schools at the height...
Newsletter Balanced Budget Report with Student Accolades

Newsletter Balanced Budget Report with Student Accolades

Case Study Newsletter Balanced Budget Report with Student Accolades Clients: EducationServices: Editorial Services Proving the Value of the District’s Programs THE SITUATION Ramsey School District regularly communicates to parents, and also goes the extra mile to put...
Cresskill Employs Proactive Post-Vote Updates

Cresskill Employs Proactive Post-Vote Updates

Case Study Cresskill Employs Proactive Post-Vote Updates Clients: EducationServices: Bond Referenda, Video Production, Social Media Creative Visual Content Builds Community Connection THE SITUATION Emotions ran high in Cresskill even after a wildly successful bond...