Sheri Berkery
Senior Account Manager
If you want to make Sheri’s day, let her know she’s made your day easier. That’s her goal as she works side by side with busy clients to meet – and anticipate – their communication needs.
As a former reporter and digital producer, Sheri is accustomed to taking crash courses in new topics, then writing about them. Give her five bullet points and she’ll come back with a story. She does her homework and pays attention to details.
But you probably should know… colleagues and clients who have worked with Sheri over the years have told her that she’s too nice.
That doesn’t bother her (of course not – she’s too nice). Sheri just enjoys working with people and accommodating their needs. And she doesn’t hesitate to speak up about any course that needs correction. She’s a big believer in writing with personality – and without jargon.
She’s a big believer in writing with personality…
All that time spent in newsrooms comes in handy. Sheri zeroes in on effective story angles, and customizes pitches for media outlets. She writes press releases in story format, which often results in the client’s message being published verbatim. Sheri’s also a fan of “short form” writing. She would love if you asked for help with a headline or a tweet.
One of Sheri’s favorite things about working with Laura Bishop Communications is the variety of projects. She helps manage the firm’s bond referendum campaigns, which involve just about every project in the communications spectrum, from website content to video production and social media strategy. These are rewarding challenges for Sheri, who distills complex concepts into clear and engaging messages.
Sheri also enjoys working with schools on everyday communication needs, as well as specialized projects such as tuition programs.
Sheri loves words (and sometimes talks to herself as she sorts through her mental thesaurus to find just the right one). But for her, it’s more about the feeling that words create. She wants to make sure messages strike the right tone, and convey the key themes of competence, concern, and compassion.
This type of writing requires nuance and sensitivity. In other words, being nice doesn’t hurt!
Affiliations & Education
Sheri is a member of the National School Public Relations Association and has a bachelor’s degree in journalism from Temple University.
Before entering public relations, Sheri worked at the Courier-Post, a South Jersey publication of Gannett. Her 15 years at the newspaper/news website included reporting, editing, and social media management.
Outside the Office
She is the admiring wife of award-winning Daily News headline writer Joe, and the proud mom of Matt and Jess.