Our Vast Vocabulary Gives No Credence to the Term ‘Writer’s Block’

Would you replace the brakes in your own car? Dry-clean your clothes? Give yourself a tattoo? If you would, what kind of results would you expect? When you need writing that is clear yet not condescending, informative but not interminable, and sensitive without being sappy, you’ll be glad to have professionals on call.

The talented writers at Laura Bishop Communications love to write, and we involve our clients in the process as much – or as little – as they would like to be.

We can collaborate side-by-side in a shared Google file, or walk away with a bare-bones outline and return with a complete annual report.

Black Bishop

Our Winning Approach

After a few months of working with us, one client turned over bullet points and asked us to write them into a community letter. “LBC is such a crutch!” he wrote. “I used to think I was a decent writer. Now, I write something, second-guess myself, and think, ‘LBC can say it better.’” 

John W. Hallahan Annual Reports were produced by LBC
Laura Bishop reviews a speech

LBC’s editorial services include:

  • Newsletters: printed, mailed, and/or digital
  • Op-eds, letters to the editor, and ready-for-print news articles
  • Speeches, both formal and friendly
  • Letters, emails, advertising and other means of outreach to your community
  • Annual reports within and beyond the corporate standard
  • (Fill in your writing needs here)

For all editorial services, LBC blends information with the messages, tone, and voice of your brand. We are also pros at finding second and third lives for written material, so the contents of a printed piece never just sit on a shelf.

LBC has carefully cultivated an impressive network of graphic designers, creative photographers, reliable printers, and resourceful mailing houses. Working with them, we pull together all the words, then all the other pieces, of an editorial project – leaving you more time to focus on the core elements of your job.

For the LBC Crew, writing is truly a labor of love. 

Make your next move.

Give us a call or drop us a line.

LBC will customize a strategy to meet your needs.