Renee Janowicz, APR
Vice President
If Renee liked numbers, she would be the perfect person to turn your shoebox full of paperwork into an accurate tax return with orderly documentation. Numbers aren’t her forte, but she applies her organizational skills to other projects with outstanding results.
Renee added her strong background in media relations, education issues, and award-winning writing to Laura Bishop Communications in 2017. She earned Accreditation in Public Relations in 2022. Renee leverages experiences with schools, nonprofits, and corporations to help LBC clients develop strategic communications programs. They appreciate her ability to engage a range of audiences through the written word, and to track nitty gritty details so nothing gets overlooked. Clients and colleagues also know to expect emails after her morning walks, when deep thinking gels into great ideas.
Renee is impeccably professional, and intensely dedicated…
As a former journalist, Renee loves to hear, “That’s a really good question” when she gets picky with messaging or thinks outside the box. Her loyalty to deadlines has led clients to label her “responsive,” which she considers a high honor.
Renee is drawn to projects that require crafting simple explanations for complex concepts, and those that highlight the big-picture impact of a seemingly simple thing. She leads the firm’s strategy for the communications campaigns of school bond referenda and has developed distinctive and successful tactics for engaging, educating and motivating voters. She has helped a school district translate trust with two financial proposals bridged over two years; worked with another to rebuild community consensus after an unguided, unsuccessful attempt at the polls; and coordinated a mid-pandemic info campaign for what became the largest voter-approved school referendum in New Jersey history. In addition to sharing bond referendum insight, Renee has presented at large professional conferences and small-group workshops about preparing for crisis communications, effectively using social media, and advancing school district brands.
Here’s a visual of Renee at her desk as she prepares to ghost-write for a client: Hands hovered over the keyboard, she’s imagining his or her face and sound of voice. She channels the speaker like an actor prepping for a role, and that’s why one client gives her a fragmented starting point and says, “Work your magic.”
Renee is impeccably professional, and intensely dedicated to her clients’ successes. So when happy clients say, “I know this is your job, that you’re not personally invested like we are …” they only know the half of it!

Affiliations and Education
Renee earned Accreditation in Public Relations in 2022 after completing formal education, peer review and a competency exam, and she has stayed involved in that process by mentoring other practitioners. She is a member of the National School Public Relations Association and the New Jersey School Public Relations Association, and she serves on the latter’s Programming Committee. She has a degree in journalism.
Outside the Office
Renee and husband Jon are raising two terrific young adults. She has volunteered as a preschool director, a soccer club registrar, a PTO president, a theater club leader, and the organizer of several charitable endeavors.
For more than 15 years she helped promote the amazing array of Fourth of July activities in her tiny town of Riverton.
During the course of our referendum experience, we regularly faced communication challenges from in-person meetings, social media, emails and editorials in the local newspapers. Renee expertly managed inquiries with a calm and professional demeanor. Her ability to craft clear, concise and informative messages was essential in building trust with our stakeholders.